Tiffiny Spire Tiffiny Spire

Create a Writing Space that Works for You

If you’re not happy with your writing space, you’re not likely to use it to get words on the page. I now have a writing space I love, and I think, with just a few intentional changes, you can, too.

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Tiffiny Spire Tiffiny Spire

Gifts Writers Really Want

Are you shopping for a loved one who writes? I’ve got you covered with a giant list of helpful gift ideas. I asked writers in the various groups I’m in to name a gift they really want to receive. I’ve compiled their answers in this list of ideas. See what gift idea was the #1 requested item.

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Tiffiny Spire Tiffiny Spire

Seven Drafts: Book Review

Seven Drafts is written to teach writers how to revise their manuscripts. It's not enough to write the first draft of a book and then check it for spelling and punctuation and call it good.

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